public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags developement & debug


PHP Error | error reporting for PHP

by 2 others
A nice stack trace generation tool for PHP.


Google Chrome Extensions: Firebug Lite

by 2 others
Firebug Lite easily integrated into Chrome. Even if I am not a fan of Chrome, because of the omnipotence of Google, I find this tool very useful as a debug facility.


Opera Dragonfly

by 6 others
Welcome to Opera Dragonfly alpha, the foundations of Opera's upcoming Developer Tools. Debug JavaScript, inspect CSS and the DOM, and view any errors – Opera Dragonfly makes developing using Opera easier than ever, both on your computer and mobile phone.


YSlow for Firebug

by 21 others (via)
YSlow analyzes any web page and generates a grade for each rule and an overall grade. If a page can be improved, YSlow lists the specific changes to be made.

Xdebug 2 released - Derick Rethans

by 1 other
After almost four years of work, Xdebug 2 is finally ready. With improved functionality and many new features it is ready to totally change the way you develop in PHP.... Nothing less ? :)